We're consisting of 22 girls & 15 boys.
And that gives you a total of 37 geniuses.
Obviously, we're friendly.
So, be friends with us kay!
Dun worry, we won't eat you up! :D
Tag w. your name. No anonymous/impersonaters here.
Please don't spam, unless you are uncivilised dogs.
We normally use vulgar unless we are real angry.
So please don't make us flare, or else you will regret.
Lastly, do not copy. Have some sense of originality.
If we caught you doing that, we will go bonkers over it.
Just think, no matter how small your brain is.
It's a disgrace to Singapore if you do so.
If you have any complains, just email us here.
With that, hope you enjoy your stay! :D
Rockers of 1D'09! (:
Form: Ms Azlina
Co-Form: Ms Ina
English: Ms Ina
Maths: Ms Jayasolai
Science: Ms Joanne Yeo & Mdm Tham
Chinese: Ms Lim
Higher Chinese: Ms Qu Caiyan
Geography: Mr Tan CT
History: Ms Azlina
Literature: Ms Ina
D&T: Mr Yeo
Music: Mdm Tan
Art: Mr Sairi
Character Education: Ms Azlina
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Boreddd ey. Nothing to do, lol. Anyways, we must welcome our co-form cher yeah! :D. Ms Ina! Lol, skali she very fierce, fiercer than msazlina. LOL, she seemed niceeee, hah, we must be guaii kia ! Dun make msina kip scolding us ! Hahaha, ;x ! &! Grats to Deanna & Nicole on getting that PFT shirt :D.
Goshhs, now then notice 5 more days to our first paperrr ! D: English Paper 1 siaa, ._." , you all got study? HAHA, i never, obv, paikia eh, ;x ! Anyways, how to revise for english compo ?! Lol, this weekend damn alot of homewrk siaa. Revision sets coming alr, sighhhh. We must pull up our socks & buck up already ya.
1D'09! JIAYOUUS FOR MYE YEAH ?! :D. We will own th whole sec 1 in studies kay?! :D 1D'09, GOGOGOGO & GOOD LUCK! :DD
Friday, April 24, 2009
HELLO! =] hehaho tag my ict blog! www.ict-task.blogspot.com BYE=]
HELLO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUNYI! Hehaho! got all the five colour hahas! Bye! Adriana! =]
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
here to revive blog(: hi!
Friday, April 17, 2009
hello! guess who am i? i am enyun(: get shock! but why? i know you're expecting me the first day you set up this blog... ROFLMAO! ok... guess what's the time? i'm going to post like crazy with adriana at 2:30 AM! woots!
hell0! adriana here..! just wanted to keep the bloggy alive! hehe... im dead! havent do my... haiz... nvm bye people!<3
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hahs, boreddd so came to post. Ohyar, nid to ask something.
Is portfolio due tomorrow?! Seriously nid an answer. ;x Heh, tell me ASAP pleaseeeeeeee! D: & canportfolio be done in clear folder instead of ring file?
Lols, kay, bye! :D DORCAS. :D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
hello! im back! hehehahahoho! omgomg! tmr is choir SYF! wish us good luck! :p just wanted to keep the blog alive... ohyea.. remember to do ur math homework! byebye! adriana :D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Dorcas birthday!
hello! updating the class blog aye! hehes.. remember to bring ur tie tmr! and and and do ur homework! ohyeah... and it's dorcas birthday today! happy birthday Dorcas! =) happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday to dorcas! happy birthday to you! =) byebye! <3adriana!
Friday, April 10, 2009
hello people! im so bored! so im posting here! u all do ur portfolio already??? today is good friday! =)=]=}:):]:} and! wei sheng don't be so racist okay! byebye! <333 adriana
Thursday, April 9, 2009
hey earthlings! i come from japan and i am your mc fer this post! first i would like to congragulate QUEENIE TANG&NICOLE LEE for winning medels ( 8th and 9th) respectively. they were running like mad people today! they encouraged ech other to continue the run! thats called working together! but in th end, QUEENIE choing-ed to the finish line. leaving NICOLE behind her by about 4-5 seconds! this caused QUEENIE to be in th 8th place and NICOLEto be in the 9th place. when they started running, NICOLE and QUEENIE saw th class getting ready for the fun run it appears that in th class, only QUEENIE and NICOLE were running the competetive run! they both poured water on themselves after the run! then people in 1D'09 started to finish the run! in the end, everyone finished at least 2.5 km! WELL DONE1D'09 me here signing off!
Nicole=D~~~ i dint come from japan. i am singaporean. the japan part was just joking...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
information fer cross country!
wear pe, bring water bottle fer runners, report at japanese garden at 7.25. fer those duno how go, take mrt alight at chinese garden...
How's your 2.4km run todayyyy? O: Tiring ehhhh, hahahahs. /: & i seriously dun know how do japanese garden tmr. Didnt really understand MsHeng's briefing /: All I know is just to alight at ChineseGarden MRT & turn left whenever you see smth. LOLOL! I think is to wear pe & just bring waterbottle bahhhh.
& yarrrr! Queenie, Jiayi & Gene going for th geog competition tmr. So lets wish them gooooooood luck! :D Good luck to you guyyyys! ♥
Hahahs, byeeeee :D. DORCAS. :D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Boringgg, so came to update (: Anyways you guys receive th message about tmr? Hah, it's just about.
We're having our 2.4km run on th first period. Just right after National Anthem. Wear your pe attire to school tmr (: So GOOD LUCK PEOPLEEEEE ! :D
Hahahas, your got see th vidddd? Niceniceniceeeeeeeee?! :DDDDD. WAKAKKAA. Byeee (: DORCAS. :D
Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Deanna! ♥
Today's Deanna birthdayyyy! :D Lemme sing birthday song to youuu: Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to Deanna~ Happy Birthday to you!
Yay me! :D. HAHAHHA. :X Ehhhh, wan meet tgt on thurs then go to japanese garden tgt? (: I meeting some ppl lyk lokyi, suetchin, lynette & more. Then go to Japanese Garden together, wanwanwan? :D. Heh, ehhh, other than science & lit, whad homewrk we have uhh? Ohyarrrrrrrr! Intro you guys one vidd, song name's 黑糖秀!
Th song's kinda about friendds, ((: & th boys are damndamndamndamn shuaiiii ! :D Paisey, kinda hyper when it's anything about bangbangtang /: Seriously apologise cause is chinese song. :X ! Hahahaha, kk, byeeeeeee! :D DORCAS. :D
Sunday, April 5, 2009
HELLO! Hehe.. im back =] Ohyea.. comment on the class-tee if u don like it? F.Y.I its on the notice board. Remember to bring ur tie yea... And tmr must stay back for maths! And it's deanna's birthday tmr! let's sing her a birthday song! ROFL! this post so colourful!=]=]=]=] how was the chinese test? very hard rite! okay... bye!bye! <3 adriana
Saturday, April 4, 2009
yo! haha wanted to post during tuition w lokyi cause very bored :x haha but dunno y can't type... so i'm trying to make the blog 'alive' rofl.. some1 update please... =) ohyea.. remember to bring ur tie on monday! =) byebye! x33 adriana
Heyyyyyyy! :D.
Umm, just to tell you guys that. Monday's Maths remedial's timing will be brought forward. Starting at 2.20pm. (to idk whad time). Cause th higher chinese supp has been cancelled. Hehh, byebye. DORCAS. :D
Hello Lokyi and adriana here :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
yo people! y nobody update? haha.. it's really late now... gonna sleep soon... haha =) remember to bring ur pe stuff and the packaging! good luck for ur practical n chinese test tmr :] okay... bye <3 adriana