We're consisting of 22 girls & 15 boys.
And that gives you a total of 37 geniuses.
Obviously, we're friendly.
So, be friends with us kay!
Dun worry, we won't eat you up! :D
Tag w. your name. No anonymous/impersonaters here.
Please don't spam, unless you are uncivilised dogs.
We normally use vulgar unless we are real angry.
So please don't make us flare, or else you will regret.
Lastly, do not copy. Have some sense of originality.
If we caught you doing that, we will go bonkers over it.
Just think, no matter how small your brain is.
It's a disgrace to Singapore if you do so.
If you have any complains, just email us here.
With that, hope you enjoy your stay! :D
Rockers of 1D'09! (:
Form: Ms Azlina
Co-Form: Ms Ina
English: Ms Ina
Maths: Ms Jayasolai
Science: Ms Joanne Yeo & Mdm Tham
Chinese: Ms Lim
Higher Chinese: Ms Qu Caiyan
Geography: Mr Tan CT
History: Ms Azlina
Literature: Ms Ina
D&T: Mr Yeo
Music: Mdm Tan
Art: Mr Sairi
Character Education: Ms Azlina
Heeeeeeha, maybe we'll be catching a movie, or just playyy!
Get soaked from head to toe, play arcade, and blahblahblah! :X
Lolll, okay man, Im crapping. Heh. /:
Inform Adriana asap or tag on cbox, if can bythis sunday (1st Nov). Tyvm. :)
Sorry to tell you guys a bad news ! ):
Class outing is cancelled, due to the number of people who cant make it.
Choirists are said that they cant make it because they have choir practise till 6pm.
And the guides cant make it as they have their camp till 4th Nov.
So we decided to cancel the outing and make it to another day.
Withluvs, dorcas.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Misses. <3
Hey! Firstly ;
Happy 13th Birthday Zhenhuan! :D
Hahaha, as all of us know, today's the last day of school :D ! ):
So fasttttt. One year, has already passed. (:
Still remember when 1D first met on 12 October, after the rearranging of class stuffs.
That time I was like a total blur sotong can, slowly I then get used to life there. :X
Andand, to me, 1D rocks mannnnnn! Unity is showed within us :D !
When we came together to make the AcesDayDance a perfect one, 2nd placing! (:
Hahaha, today's talk, the instructor said ;
A class is not a class when there's only girls, or only boys.
True right? (:
Lollll, okay maybe Im crapping because Im bored, and Ive nothing to post? :X
Heeeeee, let's enjoy photos, and videos okay? ^^
Class photo! (:
1D presents to you, Nobody! :D
Hahahaha, coool memories! (L)
Hopefully no one transfers next year! (:
Withluvs, dorcas.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Helloooooooooo :D !
Im bored bored bored! -.- So came to somehow revive this blog a little (: There's school tomorrow! And it seems like it's a holiday! LOL. 9 1D-ians are currently online now, if im not wrong :D Hehh. Now it's like play time already in school! Woohoo, because we've already overcame our last obstacle of the year (eoy) ! :D HAHAHAHA. Okay rather exaggerating I know. Pardon me. Im seriously bored. Wheeeeeeeeee. Suddenly craving for class gathering :D ! HEH (: Lol, okayyyyyyys. Im crappingggggg. :X
Withluvs, dorcas. :D
Friday, October 9, 2009
Heyyyyyyy! (:
Notice something changed? Okay, I know it's very obvious. Heh. Erm, Ive changed the class blogskin. Comment it on tagboard please! If your dont like it, then I can change back to the old one. Heeee. Oh, I heard that our class did well for History! :D Haha, hopefully it's true. (: Anws, now exams are over, it's time to ENJOYYYYYYY. :D Though there's still the releasing of results. Jiayouus for the results alright! We will do well ^^ ! Withluvs, dorcas.
HELLO, HELLOS hehs, Nicole here uhs. I kinnda noticed the class blog was really really DEAD! =P so, UPDATE! yea. i updated it into the morden times! WOOHOO~~~ ROFL! (okay, i know i know, i am being very very random now) so, we have two days of holiday! WHEE~~~ and from what i know, we already knoe our makers for the english paper =X i should not have said that cos our parents might read this blog. SHHHH!!!! WAHAKAKAHAKWHAS~~~ siao alr... LOL uhkays... ummmm,so i know some of us din't really do well in english... BUT! CHEER UPS~ its not the end of the world yet! end of world is in 2012 WOW... thanks like 1,2, 3 years later! when we all sec 4!! wow... NVM! ONECLASS, ONEDESTINY! LOL want die, die together! thatsunity okays!!! so, CHEERUPSS~~~ okay people, just relaxxxxxxx! =) oh ya, and I was just thinking about a class outing Like maybe in November? HOWS THAT??? we should have it on weekdays as some of us have like really really busy plans on weekends! so... maybe we should like have it from the morning 11.30, all meet at some place, Until 5.30 then all go home? ITS 6 HOURS OF CLASS BONDING!! maybe we cal all go to SENTOSA! then we cal all play like volleyball running games throwing sand into each other's shrits LOL dont worry. i will get all the things we need! =D so, Give me your thoughts! at the class Cbox!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just two more papers! (:
Happy Birthday MsIna :D ! (L)
Hellooooooo. :)
Just two more papers, and we're free oh! :D
Hahaaa, best of luck to all! (:
Luvs, dorcas.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
All the best for eoy! (:
Mugmugmug! :D Haha, revived this blog alittle. Heh.